Level: 21 | XP: 2,619,200 | Next: 2,800,000 | Needs: 180,800 | Created: 13/08/2013 |
Hit Dice: d10 | Hits: 186 | Locations: Hd:28 Ch:149 Ab:112 Lm:47 | Languages: Common | |
Armour: Plate Mail+Shield, AC 2 with 2H swd, Stoneskin ____ | AC: 1 | Parental: Orphan, Outlaw | Age: 31 |
: Create and Shape Fire (+1d6 to weapon), Detect Evil, Dodge 131%, Immune to Disease, Turn Undead at Lvl-2 STI: 105% -Weapon | Longsword | Weapon | Longbow | Weapon | Greatsword | ||
Attacks | 6 at +0 | Attacks | 5 at +1 | Attacks | 5 at +0 | ||
Damage | 1d10+21 | Damage | 3d6+42 | Damage | 3d6+42 | ||
Critical | 19-20x2 | Critical | 20x3 | Critical | 19-20x2 | ||
Parries | 6 at 135% | Parries | Parries | 6 at 135% | |||
Extras | Disarm 106% SMB 1/rd Stun 15+ | Extras | Aimed 40% Kill 15+ | Extras | SMB 1/rd Disarm 101% +1 Init Justicar | ||
. |
Weapon | Shield | Weapon | Dodge | Weapon | |||
Attacks | 5 at +0 | Attacks | 0 at +0 | Attacks | |||
Damage | 1d6+21 | Damage | -+21 | Damage | |||
Critical | 20x2 | Critical | - | Critical | |||
Parries | 6 at 144% | Parries | 2 at 131% | Parries | |||
Extras | 0 | Extras | 0 | Extras |
Spells: Spells: L1: 7+2 L2: 6+2 L3: 5+1 L4: 5 L5: 4 L6: 3 L7: 2 | [_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_] |
Blade Barrier (Pr6), Bless (Pr1), Bull's Strength (Pr2), Combine (Pr1), Create Food & Water (Pr3), Cure Disease (Pr3), Cure Light Wounds (Pr1), Detect Evil (Pr1), Detect Lie (Pr4), Detect Magic (Pr1), Detect Undead (Pr1), Dismissal (Pr4), Dispel Magic (Pr3), Endure Heat/Endure Cold (Pr1), Entangle (Pr1), Faerie Fire (Pr1), Fire Shield (So4), Fire Storm (Pr7), Fire Trap (Pr2), Flame Strike (Pr5), Glyph of Warding (Pr3), Heal (Pr6), Healing Circle (Pr5), Hold Person (Pr2), Meld Into Stone (Pr3), Messenger (Pr2), Plane Shift (Pr5), Prayer (Pr3), Protection From Evil (Pr1), Purify Food & Drink (Pr1), Reflecting Pool (Pr4), Remove Wildling Taint (Pr3), Silence, 15' Radius (Pr2), Slow Wildling Taint (Pr2), Symbol (Pr7), Tongues (Pr4), True Seeing (Pr5), Warp Wood (Pr2), Water Breathing (Pr3), Withdraw (Pr2), Word of Recall (Pr6), |
Description: Magnificent, red-headed and burly, prematurely aged to his thirties. Left-handed. 5' 11". Chrono age 21. LOF predominant in the south, is Alsashassa to the elves. "HP" at 17th. Taglines: "Flames' Blessings" "Go with the Fire". Pray over any started fire. "Blessings on your Hearth", "Flames guide this shaft!", "The Fire burns alike on every hearth." Smoke is "the banners of the Lord of Fire". Spell quick reference: Bless +1 TH,vs Fear; FF +2; PfromE -2AC, +2 saves, Bull's +2 Str=+2 TH/Dmg, FT=1d4+lvl, Prayer +1 TH DMG Sv, Foes -1, GoW 1d4/lvl. |
Equipment: Armour, shield, weapons, helmet, BP, Bedroll, Tent, Candles, Bandages, Rations, Water bottle, Belt pouch (2), Grapnel, 50' rope, Lantern, Lamp oil, Tinderbox/firestarter, Pen/paper/ink, Scroll cases (2), Cooking kit, Whetstone, Saddle, Feed, Bridle, posh Jarnic horse, cloak gloves signet ring for Lord of Fire, map of travelled area. 5 gp, 14sp; 0gp to donate. |
Items: Bracers of Fire (d6+lvl) Spell quick reference: Bless +1 TH,vs Fear; FF +2; PfromE -2AC, +2 saves, Bull's +2 Str=+2 TH/Dmg, FT=1d4+lvl, Prayer +1 TH DMG Sv, Foes -1, GoW 1d4/lvl. |
Created 10/03/2015 by GreyChar v4.6